Monstera Adansonii is a popular and unique house plant that’s easy to grow and maintain. But did you know there are several different types of the adansonii that would make your collection stand out from the crowd?
There are all kinds of species that come in different shades of green, some that grow massive leaves and all kinds of different shaped holes.
It can be difficult the tell the differences between all the different forms of the adansonii, so in this post we’ll show you how to tell them all apart.
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The Different Varieties of the Monstera Adansonii (and how to identify them)
You might be confused about the different types of Monstera Adansonii, as there are only slight differences between subspecies.
Let’s review the four different varieties of these plants and how to tell the differences between them.
Monstera adansonii (Swiss Cheese Vine)

This is the classic type of monstera adansonii.
It has large, glossy leaves with holes in them. The leaves grow in a pointed oval shape and can be identified by their darker green color as it matures.
This is the most common form of the Monstera Adansonii you will come across.
You might also find that two adansonii side by side look different. This has to do with the amount of light the plants receive as new leaves develop.
The more bright, indirect light the plant receives, the more fenestrations (holes) the leaves will have.
Narrow and Round Form
You will also find that this species comes in both narrow leaf form and round leaf form. The way you can tell what type you have is by looking at the stems/vine.
Round form will have much thicker stems. Narrow form adansoniis, even mature ones, maintain a very thin vine-like stem and the leaves are more elongated.
Fun fact: they’re sometimes referred to as Monkey Mask.
Buy the adansonii online from my favorite seller on Etsy.
Monstera adansonii variegata
This plant is very similar to the one above, but it has chunky, white stripes on its leaves.
They’re very rare because the variegation is actually a genetic mutation and therefore can only be grown through propagating an already variegated plant.
You cannot grow the variegated monstera adansonii from seeds.
With the white stripes and patches, these plants are stunningly beautiful. Because of the variegation they’re slow growers and usually come with a hefty price tag.
You can buy variegated monstera adansonii online though Etsy.
Monstera Obliqua
Out of all the Monstera adansonii varieties, the obliqua has the most and largest fenestrations of all.
The way to identify the Monstera Obliqua is by the fact that it’s much more delicate than the classic adansonii.
The holes in the leaves are much larger, to the point where there are only very thin pieces of leaf holding it together.
Because there’s only thin, ‘stringy’ pieces holding the leaves in tact, they almost always look wilted. But that’s just the way they are.
It’s also a much smaller plant due to the fact that there is very little leaf surface area, so it’s much harder to produce chlorophyll.
These plants are also extremely rare, and therefore more expensive. You won’t be able to find them in your regular greenhouse unless they specialize in bringing in rare plants.
Your best bet is to shop online – but I warned you, they are crazy expensive.
Just check out this listing on Etsy to see what I mean.
Pro tip – the Obliqua is very hard to find and care for. Instead, check out this fabric monstera obliqua that looks just as good with no maintenance required.
Monstera adansonii laniata
The laniata is a subspecies of the adansonii.
The leaves are somewhat similar in size and shape, but the major difference it has from the Monstera adansonii is that the leaves are usually a much deeper green in color and almost reflective looking because of how shiny they are.
That said, you might not be able to tell the difference between the two without getting up close and looking at them.
One of the easiest ways is by looking at the underside of the leaves. The Monstera adansonii will have a matte finish while the Monstera laniata is more glossy.
Buy the monstera laniata online.
Monstera acuminata
This type is a little less common than the other types of monstera adansonii. It has fewer holes than the classic adansonii and its leaf shape tapers to a point, narrowing towards the stem.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference upon first glance, but the acuminata’s leaves are extremely smooth to the touch (almost velvety), which is the key difference.
Whereas, the classic adansonii’s leaves have a slight texture to them.
View listings of the monstera acuminata on Etsy.
Monstera lechleriana
This type of monstera has much larger leaves than the adansonii and can grow much bigger if given the space and proper humidity levels.
To identify this variety, look for larger, more uniform leaves with smaller holes that generally stay tighter with the middle vein.
Additionally, many leaves (especially young ones) won’t have holes at all.
The lechleriana is somewhat rare but you can purchase through this reputable seller on Etsy.
Monstera adansonii archipelago
This is another variegated variety which has much more variegation, to the point where you’ll find many leaves and stems are half or entirely white.
The archipelago is more delicate as it can’t produce much chlorophyll due to the amount of pigment it lacks.
They are pretty rare, but you can find them online for several hundred dollars.
Monstera adansonii friedrichsthalii
The monstera friedrichsthalii isn’t different from the adansonii – in fact they’re essentially the exact same plant.
This is a case of going by different names based on the maturity of the plant. The friedrichsthalii is usually referred to the older plant when the leaves are larger and longer.
Monstera epipremnoides
Looking almost exactly the same as the adansonii.
The main difference with the epipremnoides is that holes in the leaves are much bigger and rounder and the leaf color itself is lighter green.
How to care for and maintain your Monstera Adansonii – are there any differences in care between varieties?
In general, all varieties of the Monstera Adansonii need the same type of care and growing conditions. The biggest differences will be with the type and the amount of sunlight they need to receive.
The variegated varieties need slightly more sunlight. This is to ensure it’s able to keep the variegation. There is a delicate balance, however.
The light-colored variegation is also more susceptible to sunburn, so it’s essential to keep them away from direct, hot sun.
Humidity Levels
Humidity levels are the other important piece. Since all Monstera adansonii types originate from the tropical rainforests, they love humidity.
While it’s possible to grow these plants with less than ideal humidity levels, they will grow faster, stronger and bigger leaves in a more humid environment.
Watering & Soil
They don’t like to sit in constantly moist soil, so you will need a well-draining aroid mix.
This pre-made mix on Amazon is the best! It already has equal parts of orchid bark, coco coir, perlite, worm castings and activated charcoal ready for you to use.
Do you love how unique the different types of monstera adansoniis are?
Order this beautiful print that perfectly displays the different species.
Where to Buy Monstera Adansonii Online
If you’re looking for one of the more unique varieties of the monstera adansonii, you’ll likely have to buy online.
You won’t be able to find them at your local greenhouse (unless they bring in very specialized plants). The good news is that there are many reputable plant sellers online who ship with care.
Buy through California Tropicals on Amazon.
Buy on Etsy.
Final Thoughts
It’s not easy to tell the difference between Monstera adansonii varieties, but there are some key differences you can look for. It all comes down to the color, shape and sizes of holes in the leaves.
I hope this blog post has helped you identify your favorite type or variety of adansonii plant! Let me know if you want help finding one online or need assistance planting or caring for them at home as they’re relatively low maintenance houseplants when given proper light and water conditions!
Read more on Monsteras here:
How to Propagate Monstera Adansonii: 3 Ways + tips for each method
How to Propagate a Monstera in Water (easy step by step guide)
Diagnose Damaged Monstera leaves and what it means
Stay Green!
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Hi! I have a monstera adansonii that I got as a gift. It’s in water, not soil, and some of the leaves are yellowing and all of them are wrinkly. I’ve checked for pests, root rot, I’ve changed the water regularly and started using filtered water, and it’s not really getting better, what am I missing?