Monstera adansonii, also known as the swiss cheese plant, is a lush and beautiful vine that can be grown in many different ways.
The three most popular methods for propagating monstera adansonii are water propagation, soil propagation and moss propagation.
This blog post will cover all three of these techniques in detail to help you decide which method is best for your situation.
We’ll start with a brief overview of each method to help you identify where you’d like to start.
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How Do You Propagate Monstera Adansonii?
It doesn’t matter what type of the 9 different types of adansonii you have, you can propagate them all the same way.
Whether you want to use water, soil or moss, choosing which method you’d like to propagate your monstera adansonii comes down to personal preference and what supplies you have available.
All 3 methods have an equal rate of success, but I would say propagating the adansonii in water is the easiest. If you’re a beginner, I recommend rooting your adansonii in water.
If you want to propagate your swiss cheese vine quickly in the least amount of steps, choose the soil propagation method.
And finally, if you have some experience with aroids and air layering, propagating a monstera adansonii in moss usually produces a hardy plant.
How Long Does it Take to Propagate Monstera Adansonii?
Water propagation – it can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for roots and new leaves.
Soil propagation – the swiss cheese vine takes about one to three months before you see any signs of growth after planting your monstera adansonii node cuttings.
Moss propagation – once air-layered, expect between two or three weeks to a month before you see any signs of root development.
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get into more detail about each method, what supplies are needed and easy to follow instructions so you can get started today.
Monstera Adansonii Propagation in Water

The first propagation technique we’ll cover is water propagation.
Water propagation allows you to create new monstera adansonii plants without any soil or moss involved, which means it’s easy and doesn’t require many resources (besides water).
The only downside of this method is that the cuttings can be susceptible to rot if not monitored from time to time.
Step-by-Step Instructions:

Choose a healthy monstera adansonii stem with one or two nodes and one or two leaves.
Use a sharp pair of shears or razor blade to make the cutting.
The sharper the better, but make sure to keep it clean and sanitized between cuttings (isopropyl alcohol is the best). Any bacteria lingering on the blade can transfer to the cutting and you will be doomed from the beginning.
Snip one inch below the last node you will be placing in water.
Place your stem in a vase of water a little warmer than room temperature.
Ensure that every node (the little brown bumps) are submerged under water. This is where roots will grow from.
Trim off any leaves that would be underwater. You don’t want leaves submerged as they will just rot.
The cutting should be placed in a warm, sunny area where it will get plenty of light and air circulation.
Change out the water once per week if you can. Introducing fresh oxygen to the roots is very important for the first few weeks.
How Long Does it Take to Root in Water?

After a few weeks, you’ll see signs of new leaves and roots beginning to grow.
After 4 to 6 weeks if you have a few roots that are at least 4 inches long and perhaps a new leaf that has sprouted, it’s safe to say you’ve successfully propagated a monstera adansonii in water.
At this point you’re welcome to transfer your cutting into soil as the root structures will be strong enough for transplanting.
Can a Monstera Adansonii Live in Water Forever?

A monstera adansonii can live in water indefinitely, but you have to be sure that it is still getting the proper amount of sunlight and air circulation.
As long as your plant has plenty of room for new roots to grow, this would not be a problem.
Roots and new leaves will continue to grow and you will have to keep moving it into a larger container.
But yes, I’ve kept a monstera adansonii in water for two years before I finally planted it in soil.
Monstera Adansonii Propagation in Soil
The second way to propagate a monstera adansonii is in soil.
Soil propagation is usually the most common method for plants, since it’s the technique that requires the fewest steps.
While propagating your swiss cheese plant in soil does take longer time than water propagation, it’s still relatively easy.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Choose a healthy monstera adansonii stem with at least one node and one or two leaves.
Cut the top of your plant off just below the first or second node from top (the cutting should be about two to four inches long).

Remember to always use something sharp and sterilized to make your cut as smooth and as clean as possible.
Push your cuttings down just below the soil line or lay them on top, node side down.
Remember that roots will only grow from the brown ‘nubs,’ so these need to be just below the soil surface or be in direct contact with the soil.
Ensure the soil you choose has good drainage.
You can use a regular potting mix from the store, but you’ll see better results if you add some peat moss and perlite to loosen things up a bit and keep it aerated.
Place your cutting in an area that will get plenty of sunlight throughout the day, at least six hours worth or more each day.
Air circulation is also important for new roots which is why plenty of perlite is essential.
Water the newly planted cuttings until the soil is saturated and then let it drain completely. For the first few weeks don’t let the soil dry out completely, keep it just slightly moist.
Since this is a plant that prefers a little humidity, you can actually place a clear bag or plastic wrap over top to keep humidity levels up.
Just be sure to take it off when you water, otherwise the soil will get too wet and cause root rot.
How Long Does It Take to Root in Soil?
After a few weeks, you’ll see signs of new leaves and roots beginning to grow.
After about three months, your monstera adansonii should be fully rooted and ready for transplanting into its permanent spot or another container.
Is it Better to Propagate a Monstera Adansonii in Water or Soil?

The choice is ultimately yours. Both water and soil propagation for a monstera adansonii will give you great results, so it simply comes down to your personal preference which one you choose.
Water propagation is less messy and gives you a little more peace of mind since you can actually see what’s going on.
Since you can watch the roots develop and grow in water, you’ll know exactly when it’s ready to plant.
However, once you plant cuttings that have been propagated in water, there’s still a chance that the roots will fail and not take to the soil.
When you move a cutting from water to soil, you have to keep the soil relatively moist for the first few weeks while it adjusts.
Since it’s been living in completely wet conditions, it will not like to be dried out. You will have to slowly transition it to soil life.
This is why some people prefer propagating their swiss cheese vine in soil.
Since you are moving a cutting directly into the soil, it’s already a familiar environment for the plant. However, you’re not able to monitor for signs of potential failure until it’s too late.
That being said, if your propagation is successful, it happens quicker and with fewer steps involved. This is why most people tend to prefer the soil propagation method for monstera adansoniis.
Propagating Monstera Adansonii in Moss
Finally, the third way to propagate a monstera adansonii is by using moss.
While propagating via stem cuttings or rooting in soil are the most common techniques, I wanted to include this option for those who might not have access to either of these methods.
This method works because the moss itself acts as a soil-like medium that absorbs water well. It is also extremely easy to find moss online so anyone can give this technique a try.
The process of propagating plants in moss is done by wrapping a portion of the stem of your monstera adansonii with sphagnum moss. Make sure this section has at least one or two nodes.
The idea is that you want to encase it completely so no air can get inside and dry out your plant, which will cause failure. Just leave it covered until new roots form.
The best way is to wrap moss around your cutting, and then cover it in plastic wrap to keep everything in place and allow it to create its own humid environment.
Open it up about once per week to check to make sure that it’s still moist or mist it if it needs more. Your sphagnum moss should be evenly moist and not completed saturated.
After a few weeks, if you have a few roots growing, this is when you can cut the stem and plant it in its own pot.
Related reading: How to Propagate Monstera Deliciosa in Water in 5 Easy Steps
Monstera Adansonii Propagation Tips and Troubleshooting

Can I trim a stem that has a new leaf forming?
If a new leaf is unfurling on your adansonii, wait until it’s more mature to make a cutting.
Wait until the leaf has completely unfurled and had a chance to darken in color before you cut the stem to propagate.
Can you Propagate a Monstera Adansonii without Leaves?
Technically it is possible to propagate an adansonii without any leaves at the top of the cutting. However, the success rate will be much lower.
As long as there is a node, it is possible to grow a new plant. It will be harder without a leaf since this is where the plant is able to photosynthesize.
If you don’t have a leaf but do have a node, I only recommend propagating in water.
If you have an adansonii that’s growing quite long a leggy (long stems without any leaves but several nodes), propagating is a great way to grow a new plant and save the old one.
As long as the stems are green, it can still photosynthesize!
If you end up growing roots from cuttings without leaves, expect that the first few leaves it does produce won’t have any fenestrations (holes). This very common with a young plant just starting out.
Can You Propagate a Monstera Adansonii without a Node?
No, you cannot propagate and produce a new monstera adansonii without a node. This is the only spot on a plant where roots are produced. So without a node you can’t root a new plant.
Why is my Monstera Adansonii propagation not working?

There are a few reasons why your monstera adansonii propagation may not be working.
The first reason is the cutting itself might have been stressed due to being outside in colder weather (or inside with too much of a cold draft), or delivery time if you ordered online.
Stress can cause failure so this needs to be ruled out before assuming that there’s something wrong with propagating.
If you’re sure that your cutting is healthy, the second possibility would be caused by a fungus.
If this happens, it will usually present as yellowing or pale leaves on your plant and can spread through out very quickly. If you notice this, cut off the yellowing or brown parts and place the remaining healthy stem(s) in fresh water.
You might also have more luck with placing your cuttings in an opaque container instead of a clear vase or jar.
At this stage of life, warm living conditions are more important than direct sunlight. So you could give this a try.
And sometimes propagation just doesn’t work. This is why I always recommend propagating several stems (at least 3 or more) at a time so that at least one always works out.
If I cut off a section of my monstera adansonii, will new growth appear where I cut from?
Yes, trimming the mother plant is actually very healthy for it, as it stimulates new growth. And if you trim at the right time of year (early spring or early fall), you might actually see faster growth.
If I am still confused about how to propagate my Monstera Adansonii, what should I do?
If you’re still having trouble with propagating your swiss cheese vine, leave a comment below and I will respond!
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Hi Aly, your article is brilliant answered all questions on propagation but I have one more. I’m keeping the cutting in moss covered over with foil but leaves are looking floppy, droopy. Should I move it to water in that case. Also I have it on Eastern window.
Thank you